Energy efficiency initiatives enable you to impact all three ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) components while realizing a “hidden” benefit for your organization: significant, immediate energy cost savings. Energy efficiency projects are not only planet- and people-friendly, they’re relatively easy to measure, manage, and scale.
And the good news? There's still time to make improvements that result in reportable, realized savings – this year – if you start now.
On average, commercial buildings waste 30% of the energy they consume, and they consume 42% of the nation’s energy.1 Every day that commercial efficiency projects are delayed means more energy wasted and savings lost.
Map out a big-picture plan and hone your plan to stage initiatives over time. However, developing, orchestrating, and optimizing that plan requires capital, expertise, and resources.
Get an energy audit to establish a baseline for metrics
Prioritize the quick hits and measurable returns
Seek advice – perhaps start with your energy company
Get bids, including finding out what financing looks like
Form a plan
Take action
Measure, analyze and report your progress
If your organization is caught between walking your ESG talk and managing energy capacity, capital and financial resources, consider working with Key.
Since 2010, our Clean Energy team has helped businesses like yours refine and achieve their sustainability goals with energy efficiency projects. We help them create an integrated approach, including resources critical to prioritize and implement their projects.
88% of global respondents ranked Environment as the highest priority amongst ESG2
Believe it or not, 88% of global respondents ranked Environment as the highest priority amongst ESG1
Key offers a variety of products to make it easier for you and your customers to access clean-energy solutions.